Georgia Shorty Jack Russell Beginnings
Thank you for visiting us and Welcome! My name is Thomas J. Dubberly. Growing up on a purebred hog farm as a boy, I always had a close dog companion and the most memorable one was Benjie, a beagle and bulldog cross that had a trait that I have always looked for in a dog since my youth. A trait that lets me know the dog is smart, trainable and that trait is lots of eye contact. When a dog gives lots of eye contact I feel that he or she is making an effort to communicate with me and this usually always leads to a strong bond between the dog and me.
My Jack Russell story began when I owned a FedEx route in the early 2000's and while delivering a package to a home, I met my first Jack Russell Shorty named Cricket. I remember clapping my hands and him jumping into my arms. I immediately fell in love with the little bright eyed muscular little fellow.

I made a couple more deliveries where this dog Cricket lived and would you believe his owner gave him to me (he must have seen how we hit it off right) and it all started from there. Cricket and I had the best times together. He was a man's dog. He strutted and barked as if he were a big dog. I could remember him balancing on the edge of the backseat of my old truck. He was fearless, smart, energetic. Eventually, we lost Cricket and just after his passing I was working in the healthcare industry visiting homes and made friends with an elderly man who just happened to breed Jack Russells. As it turned out he was terminally ill and before passing he gave me his 1 year old female, Reba, who looked just like Cricket!

It didn't take long to realize that the quality my first Jack Russell Cricket had ran in Reba too. She looked me in the eye, always receptive to what I was telling her to do. My Reba will ride on the hood of the tractor, ride on the back of my motorcycle, the basket on my bicycle (when I get on a health kick), a bucket mounted on a 4 wheeler, a 30 ft trailer attached to my truck, in the bed of the truck and in my lap while mowing the lawn. She comes with me to some of the local stores without a leash and stays right with me. A most loving companion and friend. The only other woman my wife approves of.
It is this love and fascination for these dogs that I decided to breed short Jack Russell Terriers. My wife and I have been dog breeders of Jack Russell Shorties on a small scale since the early 2000's and have kept in touch with dog parents who have sent us pictures and messages about their fur babies that came from us. Being Jack Russell Shorty fanciers that we are, we believe Shorty Jacks are the smartest, fun filled, lively and loyal companions that will be with you for a long time.

Registrations & Credentials
Georgia Jack Russell Shorties is a member of the National Kennel Club and our puppies are NKC registerable . We strive to produce breed standard Jack Russell Terriers. Our puppy parents have been PLL+SCA tested or cleared by parentage and are NKC registered . We specialize in smooth coat Shorty Jacks but we do have broken coats on occasion.
Thank you for having Georgia Jack Russell Shorties on your mind. We update our website based on the availability of puppies but you can take a look at our puppy parents and upcoming and planned litters. Sometimes life gets busy on the farm and I actually have puppies or adult dogs that are not listed on the website or upcoming litters not listed. Don't hesitate to give us a call for the latest info!

Contact Us
Georgia Jack Russell Shorties is located near Baxley in the south east of Georgia. We are 2 hours North of Jacksonville, Florida and less than 2 hours south west of Savannah, Georgia. We are within driving distance from FL, AL, SC, NC and TN. We are licensed, inspected, regulated and approved by the Georgia Department of Agriculture.